ISO Certificate 14001:2015 EN
INTERNET COPY This quality austria certificate confirms the application and further development of an effective The validity of the quality austria certificate will be maintained by annual surveillance audits and one renewal audit after three years. Mag. Christoph Mondl CEO Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH, AT-1010 Vienna, Zelinkagasse 10/3 Vienna, 26 June 2024 Date of initial issue: 29 June 2021 Valid until: 09 April 2026 Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH awards this quality austria certificate to the following organisation: Registration No.: U-04398/0 The current validity of the certificate is documented exclusively on the Internet under f2be3947-0364-4dec- ba2e-de4e098df662 Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH is accredited according to the Austrian Accreditation Act by the BMWFW (Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy). Quality Austria is accredited as an organisation for environmental verification by the BMLFUW (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management). Quality Austria is authorized by the VDA (Association of the Automotive Industry). For accreditation registration details please refer to the applicable decisions or recognition documents. Quality Austria is the Austrian member of IQNet (International Certification Network). CERTIFICATE Mag. Dr. Werner Paar CEO Ing. Christoph Baumgartner, MSc, MBA Authorised representative, management Customer Service Center ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM complying with the requirements of standard ISO 14001:2015 Haberkorn Holding AG Hohe Brücke, 6961 Wolfurt Entities: Haberkorn GmbH, A-6961 Wolfurt, Hohe Brücke Fluidify FT GmbH, 6961 Wolfurt, Hohe Brücke Trade with personal protective equipment, lubricants, fluid technology and other technical products for the industry and construction sector including appropriate services as well as e-business & logistics solutions.